Name Input Using Keyboard
Автор: estriole (EST)
Версия: 1.0
Тип: Модификация Window_NameInput
Скрипт позволяет при вызове ввода имени героя вводить имя напрямую с клавиатуры, без нажатия по буковкам в окошке.
Изначально скрипт был для английских букв, но я его немного переделал под русскую раскладку. И убрал всякий бред, типа символов, как по мне совсем не нужный при вводе имени, оставив только буквы.
- Ввод имени героя напрямую с клавиатуры
- Поддержка русского языка
Вставляется в раздел с пользовательскими скриптами. Требуется поставить два скрипта: "EST - NAME INPUT USING KEYBOARD" и "CP Keyboard Input script". Оба скрыты под спойлерами.
Дополнительных настроек не требует.
Нажмите Esc / Backspace, чтобы удалить символ.
Нажмите Enter, чтобы завершить ввод.
Спойлер Русские буквы:
Код:###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # CP Keyboard Input script # # Version 1.0a # # # # Credits: # # Original code by: Neon Black # # Modified by: # # # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial # # 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit # # # # Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at # # # # # # Contact: # # NeonBlack - (e-mail) or "neonblack23" on skype # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # Revision information: # # V1.0a - 11.15.2012 # # Input module bug fix # # V1.0 - 8.11.2012 # # Split the console and keyboard module # # V0.1 - 7.9.2012 # # Wrote and debugged main script # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # Instructions: # # Place this script in the "Materials" section of the scripts above main. # # This script adds keyboard usage to your scripts with the use of the new # # "Keyboard" module. You can do this using both the "Input" module and the # # "Keyboard" module the same way, ie. Keyboard.trigger?(:kA) or # # Input.trigger?(:kA) will both have the same effect. To specify keyboard # # input on any given key, this script uses the letter "k" followed by the # # name of the key in all caps. For example, a letter would be ":kA" or # # ":kK" or some other similar form, numbers would be ":k1", ":k2", etc., and # # named keys would be ":kENTER" or some other key name. # # To see all the available keys, search for the "Ascii" module. # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # The following lines are the actual core code of the script. While you are # # certainly invited to look, modifying it may result in undesirable results. # # Modify at your own risk! # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["CP_KEYBOARD"] = 1.0 module V ## Checks a virtual key. def self.K(key) return Ascii::SYM[key] end end module Ascii ## Only the keys I bothered to name. Some have 2 names. SYM = { :k0 => 48, :k1 => 49, :k2 => 50, :k3 => 51, :k4 => 52, :k5 => 53, :k6 => 54, :k7 => 55, :k8 => 56, :k9 => 57, :kA => 65, :kB => 66, :kC => 67, :kD => 68, :kE => 69, :kF => 70, :kG => 71, :kH => 72, :kI => 73, :kJ => 74, :kK => 75, :kL => 76, :kM => 77, :kN => 78, :kO => 79, :kP => 80, :kQ => 81, :kR => 82, :kS => 83, :kT => 84, :kU => 85, :kV => 86, :kW => 87, :kX => 88, :kY => 89, :kZ => 90, :kENTER => 13, :kRETURN => 13, :kBACKSPACE => 8, :kSPACE => 32, :kESCAPE => 27, :kESC => 27, :kSHIFT => 16, :kTAB => 9, :kALT => 18, :kCTRL => 17, :kDELETE => 46, :kDEL => 46, :kINSERT => 45, :kINS => 45, :kPAGEUP => 33, :kPUP => 33, :kPAGEDOWN => 34, :kPDOWN => 34, :kHOME => 36, :kEND => 35, :kLALT => 164, :kLCTRL => 162, :kRALT => 165, :kRCTRL => 163, :kLSHIFT => 160, :kRSHIFT => 161, :kLEFT => 37, :kRIGHT => 39, :kUP => 38, :kDOWN => 40, :kCOLON => 186, :kAPOSTROPHE => 222, :kQUOTE => 222, :kCOMMA => 188, :kPERIOD => 190, :kSLASH => 191, :kBACKSLASH => 220, :kLEFTBRACE => 219, :kRIGHTBRACE => 221, :kMINUS => 189, :kUNDERSCORE => 189, :kPLUS => 187, :kEQUAL => 187, :kEQUALS => 187, :kTILDE => 192, :kF1 => 112, :kF2 => 113, :kF3 => 114, :kF4 => 115, :kF5 => 116, :kF6 => 117, :kF7 => 118, :kF8 => 119, :kF9 => 120, :kF10 => 121, :kF11 => 122, :kF12 => 123, } end module Keyboard ## The DLL file, function, import, and export. @key_state ="user32","GetKeyState", 'i', 'i') @key_paste ="user32","GetClipboardData", 'i', 'i') @trigger =, false) ## All 3 of the related arrays for checks. @press =, false) @repeat =, 0) @checked = false ## Sets the check state. def self.update ## Resets the check state each frame. @checked = false end def self.get_key_state ## Sets the key states. @checked = true 256.times do |vk| ## All virtual keys are checked. check = ## Use the DLL to check the key state. unless check == 1 or check == 0 ## -128 and -127 would be held down keys. unless @press[vk] @press[vk] = true ## Start pressing. @trigger[vk] = true ## Set the trigger. else @trigger[vk] = false ## Depress trigger on later frames. end @repeat[vk] += 1 ## And change the repeat. else @press[vk] = false ## Disable all checks on the key. @trigger[vk] = false @repeat[vk] = 0 end end end def ## Checks if a key <sym> is pressed down. return get_symb(sym, :press) end def self.trigger?(sym) ## Checks trigger as above. return get_symb(sym, :trigger) end def self.repeat?(sym) ## Checks repeat as above. return get_symb(sym, :repeat) end def self.get_symb(sym, type) ## Check if the <sym> key is <type>. res = sym.is_a?(Symbol) ? V.K(sym) : sym ## Gets the key's numeric. return false if res.nil? ## Returns if key is not accepted. get_key_state unless @checked ## Sets key states. case type ## Checks the key by numeric. when :press; return ch_press?(res) when :trigger; return ch_trigger?(res) when :repeat; return ch_repeat?(res) end return false end ## The three proper checks. Need a numeric value for a key to check. def self.ch_press?(sym) ## Held down. return @press[sym] end def self.ch_trigger?(sym) ## Pressed this frame. return @trigger[sym] end def self.ch_repeat?(sym) ## Alternates every few frames. return true if @repeat[sym] == 1 return true if (@repeat[sym] >= 24 && (@repeat[sym] % 6) == 0) return false end def self.shifted? ## Checks the state of both shift keys. return true if press?(16) return true if caps_on? return false end def self.caps_on? ## Checks the state of capslock. return true if == 1 return false end def self.bittype(text) ## The keys accepted by typing. for i in 48..57 ## Numbers. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 65..90 ## Letters. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 186..192 ## Symbols. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 219..222 ## More symbols. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end text += " " if repeat?(32) ## Space. if repeat?(8) ## Backspace. text.chop! end return text end def self.add_char(key) ## Adds typed characters. caps = press?(16) case key when 48..57 return (key - 48).to_s unless caps return '!' if key == 49 return '@' if key == 50 return '#' if key == 51 return '$' if key == 52 return '%' if key == 53 return '^' if key == 54 return '&' if key == 55 return '*' if key == 56 return '(' if key == 57 return ')' if key == 48 #when 65..90 #string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" #string.swapcase! if caps #string.swapcase! if caps_on? #return string[key - 65] #========================================================# #=============== Русские буквы ==========================# #========================================================# when 65; return !caps ? 'ф' : 'Ф' when 66; return !caps ? 'и' : 'И' when 67; return !caps ? 'с' : 'С' when 68; return !caps ? 'в' : 'В' when 69; return !caps ? 'у' : 'У' when 70; return !caps ? 'а' : 'А' when 71; return !caps ? 'п' : 'П' when 72; return !caps ? 'р' : 'Р' when 73; return !caps ? 'ш' : 'Ш' when 74; return !caps ? 'о' : 'О' when 75; return !caps ? 'л' : 'Л' when 76; return !caps ? 'д' : 'Д' when 77; return !caps ? 'ь' : 'Ь' when 78; return !caps ? 'т' : 'Т' when 79; return !caps ? 'щ' : 'Щ' when 80; return !caps ? 'з' : 'З' when 81; return !caps ? 'й' : 'Й' when 82; return !caps ? 'к' : 'К' when 83; return !caps ? 'ы' : 'Ы' when 84; return !caps ? 'е' : 'Е' when 85; return !caps ? 'г' : 'Г' when 86; return !caps ? 'м' : 'М' when 87; return !caps ? 'ц' : 'Ц' when 88; return !caps ? 'ч' : 'Ч' when 89; return !caps ? 'н' : 'Н' when 90; return !caps ? 'я' : 'Я' #--------------------------------------------------------# #----------------- Русские буквы в символах -------------# #--------------------------------------------------------# when 186; return !caps ? 'ж' : 'Ж' when 187; return !caps ? '=' : '+' when 188; return !caps ? 'б' : 'Б' when 189; return !caps ? '-' : '_' when 190; return !caps ? 'ю' : 'Ю' when 191; return !caps ? '.' : ',' when 192; return !caps ? 'ё' : 'Ё' when 219; return !caps ? 'х' : 'Х' when 220; return !caps ? '\\' : '|' when 221; return !caps ? 'ъ' : 'Ъ' when 222; return !caps ? 'э' : 'Э' #========================================================# #========================================================# end end def self.press_any_key ## The keys accepted by "any key" for i in 48..57 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 65..90 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 186..192 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 219..222 return true if trigger?(i) end [13, 22, 27, 192, 32].each {|i| return true if trigger?(i)} return false end end module Input class << self alias cp_keyboard_update update unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_press? press? unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_trigger? trigger? unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_repeat? repeat? unless $@ end def self.update Keyboard.update cp_keyboard_update end def*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_press?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| ( || cp_keyboard_press?(key)) end end end def self.trigger?(*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_trigger?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| (Keyboard.trigger?(key) || cp_keyboard_trigger?(key)) end end end def self.repeat?(*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_repeat?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| (Keyboard.repeat?(key) || cp_keyboard_repeat?(key)) end end end end ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # End of script. # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------###Код:=begin EST - NAME INPUT USING KEYBOARD v.1.0 Requires: Neon Black Keyboard Input 1.0a enter the link to his keyboard module script there. or for direct link to his pastebin. version history v.1.0 - 2013.02.15 - finish the script Introduction: Have you ever feel it's not comfortable to input name by choosing which symbol then press enter. letter by letter. so time consuming. this script change that!. instead of choosing symbol and press enter. you type letter directly from keyboard. press esc / backspace to erase a character press enter when you're done. maybe will put confirmation window later. btw the name input window still there. i just hide it from view and change some behavior. :D. Usage Plug and Play Compatibility it should compatible with most script. If you using Tsukihime Simple Text Input. put this script ABOVE that script. so the script will also use KEYBOARD :D. since the script is using name input window too. =end module ESTRIOLE module KEYBOARD_PRESS KEYBOARDPRESS = { #=== Если нужный цифры - снять комментирование ниже ===# #:k0 => 48, :k1 => 49, :k2 => 50, :k3 => 51, :k4 => 52, :k5 => 53, #:k6 => 54, :k7 => 55, :k8 => 56, :k9 => 57, #======================================================# :kA => 65, :kB => 66, :kC => 67, :kD => 68, :kE => 69, :kF => 70, :kG => 71, :kH => 72, :kI => 73, :kJ => 74, :kK => 75, :kL => 76, :kM => 77, :kN => 78, :kO => 79, :kP => 80, :kQ => 81, :kR => 82, :kS => 83, :kT => 84, :kU => 85, :kV => 86, :kW => 87, :kX => 88, :kY => 89, :kZ => 90, #======================================================# :kCOLON => 186, :kQUOTE => 222, :kTILDE => 192, :kCOMMA => 188, :kPERIOD => 190, :kLEFTBRACE => 219, :kRIGHTBRACE => 221, #:kSLASH => 191, :kBACKSLASH => 220, :kMINUS => 189, #:kEQUAL => 187, } end end class Window_NameInput < Window_Selectable include ESTRIOLE::KEYBOARD_PRESS alias est_keyboard_name_input_init initialize def initialize(edit_window) est_keyboard_name_input_init(edit_window) self.visible = false end def process_handling return unless open? && active process_back if Input.repeat?(:kESC) or Input.repeat?(:kBACKSPACE) check_keyboard_input end alias cursor_page_change cursor_pagedown def check_keyboard_input KEYBOARDPRESS.each {|key| @edit_window.add(Keyboard.add_char(Ascii::SYM[key[0]])) if Input.trigger?(key[0]) Sound.play_ok if Input.trigger?(key[0]) } #check_spaces <------- удалить коммент, если нужен пробел check_enter end def check_spaces if Input.trigger?(:kSPACE) @edit_window.add(" ") Sound.play_ok end end def check_enter on_name_ok if Input.trigger?(:kENTER) end def cursor_pageup;end def cursor_pagedown;end end
Спойлер Оригинал:
Код:###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # CP Keyboard Input script # # Version 1.0a # # # # Credits: # # Original code by: Neon Black # # Modified by: # # # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial # # 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit # # # # Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at # # # # # # Contact: # # NeonBlack - (e-mail) or "neonblack23" on skype # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # Revision information: # # V1.0a - 11.15.2012 # # Input module bug fix # # V1.0 - 8.11.2012 # # Split the console and keyboard module # # V0.1 - 7.9.2012 # # Wrote and debugged main script # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # Instructions: # # Place this script in the "Materials" section of the scripts above main. # # This script adds keyboard usage to your scripts with the use of the new # # "Keyboard" module. You can do this using both the "Input" module and the # # "Keyboard" module the same way, ie. Keyboard.trigger?(:kA) or # # Input.trigger?(:kA) will both have the same effect. To specify keyboard # # input on any given key, this script uses the letter "k" followed by the # # name of the key in all caps. For example, a letter would be ":kA" or # # ":kK" or some other similar form, numbers would be ":k1", ":k2", etc., and # # named keys would be ":kENTER" or some other key name. # # To see all the available keys, search for the "Ascii" module. # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # The following lines are the actual core code of the script. While you are # # certainly invited to look, modifying it may result in undesirable results. # # Modify at your own risk! # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["CP_KEYBOARD"] = 1.0 module V ## Checks a virtual key. def self.K(key) return Ascii::SYM[key] end end module Ascii ## Only the keys I bothered to name. Some have 2 names. SYM = { :k0 => 48, :k1 => 49, :k2 => 50, :k3 => 51, :k4 => 52, :k5 => 53, :k6 => 54, :k7 => 55, :k8 => 56, :k9 => 57, :kA => 65, :kB => 66, :kC => 67, :kD => 68, :kE => 69, :kF => 70, :kG => 71, :kH => 72, :kI => 73, :kJ => 74, :kK => 75, :kL => 76, :kM => 77, :kN => 78, :kO => 79, :kP => 80, :kQ => 81, :kR => 82, :kS => 83, :kT => 84, :kU => 85, :kV => 86, :kW => 87, :kX => 88, :kY => 89, :kZ => 90, :kENTER => 13, :kRETURN => 13, :kBACKSPACE => 8, :kSPACE => 32, :kESCAPE => 27, :kESC => 27, :kSHIFT => 16, :kTAB => 9, :kALT => 18, :kCTRL => 17, :kDELETE => 46, :kDEL => 46, :kINSERT => 45, :kINS => 45, :kPAGEUP => 33, :kPUP => 33, :kPAGEDOWN => 34, :kPDOWN => 34, :kHOME => 36, :kEND => 35, :kLALT => 164, :kLCTRL => 162, :kRALT => 165, :kRCTRL => 163, :kLSHIFT => 160, :kRSHIFT => 161, :kLEFT => 37, :kRIGHT => 39, :kUP => 38, :kDOWN => 40, :kCOLON => 186, :kAPOSTROPHE => 222, :kQUOTE => 222, :kCOMMA => 188, :kPERIOD => 190, :kSLASH => 191, :kBACKSLASH => 220, :kLEFTBRACE => 219, :kRIGHTBRACE => 221, :kMINUS => 189, :kUNDERSCORE => 189, :kPLUS => 187, :kEQUAL => 187, :kEQUALS => 187, :kTILDE => 192, :kF1 => 112, :kF2 => 113, :kF3 => 114, :kF4 => 115, :kF5 => 116, :kF6 => 117, :kF7 => 118, :kF8 => 119, :kF9 => 120, :kF10 => 121, :kF11 => 122, :kF12 => 123, } end module Keyboard ## The DLL file, function, import, and export. @key_state ="user32","GetKeyState", 'i', 'i') @key_paste ="user32","GetClipboardData", 'i', 'i') @trigger =, false) ## All 3 of the related arrays for checks. @press =, false) @repeat =, 0) @checked = false ## Sets the check state. def self.update ## Resets the check state each frame. @checked = false end def self.get_key_state ## Sets the key states. @checked = true 256.times do |vk| ## All virtual keys are checked. check = ## Use the DLL to check the key state. unless check == 1 or check == 0 ## -128 and -127 would be held down keys. unless @press[vk] @press[vk] = true ## Start pressing. @trigger[vk] = true ## Set the trigger. else @trigger[vk] = false ## Depress trigger on later frames. end @repeat[vk] += 1 ## And change the repeat. else @press[vk] = false ## Disable all checks on the key. @trigger[vk] = false @repeat[vk] = 0 end end end def ## Checks if a key <sym> is pressed down. return get_symb(sym, :press) end def self.trigger?(sym) ## Checks trigger as above. return get_symb(sym, :trigger) end def self.repeat?(sym) ## Checks repeat as above. return get_symb(sym, :repeat) end def self.get_symb(sym, type) ## Check if the <sym> key is <type>. res = sym.is_a?(Symbol) ? V.K(sym) : sym ## Gets the key's numeric. return false if res.nil? ## Returns if key is not accepted. get_key_state unless @checked ## Sets key states. case type ## Checks the key by numeric. when :press; return ch_press?(res) when :trigger; return ch_trigger?(res) when :repeat; return ch_repeat?(res) end return false end ## The three proper checks. Need a numeric value for a key to check. def self.ch_press?(sym) ## Held down. return @press[sym] end def self.ch_trigger?(sym) ## Pressed this frame. return @trigger[sym] end def self.ch_repeat?(sym) ## Alternates every few frames. return true if @repeat[sym] == 1 return true if (@repeat[sym] >= 24 && (@repeat[sym] % 6) == 0) return false end def self.shifted? ## Checks the state of both shift keys. return true if press?(16) return true if caps_on? return false end def self.caps_on? ## Checks the state of capslock. return true if == 1 return false end def self.bittype(text) ## The keys accepted by typing. for i in 48..57 ## Numbers. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 65..90 ## Letters. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 186..192 ## Symbols. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end for i in 219..222 ## More symbols. if repeat?(i) text += add_char(i) end end text += " " if repeat?(32) ## Space. if repeat?(8) ## Backspace. text.chop! end return text end def self.add_char(key) ## Adds typed characters. caps = press?(16) case key when 48..57 return (key - 48).to_s unless caps return '!' if key == 49 return '@' if key == 50 return '#' if key == 51 return '$' if key == 52 return '%' if key == 53 return '^' if key == 54 return '&' if key == 55 return '*' if key == 56 return '(' if key == 57 return ')' if key == 48 when 65..90 string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" string.swapcase! if caps string.swapcase! if caps_on? return string[key - 65] when 186; return !caps ? ';' : ':' when 187; return !caps ? '=' : '+' when 188; return !caps ? ',' : '<' when 189; return !caps ? '-' : '_' when 190; return !caps ? '.' : '>' when 191; return !caps ? '/' : '?' when 192; return !caps ? '`' : '~' when 219; return !caps ? '[' : '{' when 220; return !caps ? '\\' : '|' when 221; return !caps ? ']' : '}' when 222; return !caps ? '\'' : '"' end end def self.press_any_key ## The keys accepted by "any key" for i in 48..57 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 65..90 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 186..192 return true if trigger?(i) end for i in 219..222 return true if trigger?(i) end [13, 22, 27, 192, 32].each {|i| return true if trigger?(i)} return false end end module Input class << self alias cp_keyboard_update update unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_press? press? unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_trigger? trigger? unless $@ alias cp_keyboard_repeat? repeat? unless $@ end def self.update Keyboard.update cp_keyboard_update end def*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_press?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| ( || cp_keyboard_press?(key)) end end end def self.trigger?(*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_trigger?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| (Keyboard.trigger?(key) || cp_keyboard_trigger?(key)) end end end def self.repeat?(*sym) if $imported["CP_INPUT"] cp_keyboard_repeat?(*sym) else sym.any? do |key| (Keyboard.repeat?(key) || cp_keyboard_repeat?(key)) end end end end ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### # End of script. # ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------###Код:=begin EST - NAME INPUT USING KEYBOARD v.1.0 Requires: Neon Black Keyboard Input 1.0a enter the link to his keyboard module script there. or for direct link to his pastebin. version history v.1.0 - 2013.02.15 - finish the script Introduction: Have you ever feel it's not comfortable to input name by choosing which symbol then press enter. letter by letter. so time consuming. this script change that!. instead of choosing symbol and press enter. you type letter directly from keyboard. press esc / backspace to erase a character press enter when you're done. maybe will put confirmation window later. btw the name input window still there. i just hide it from view and change some behavior. :D. Usage Plug and Play Compatibility it should compatible with most script. If you using Tsukihime Simple Text Input. put this script ABOVE that script. so the script will also use KEYBOARD :D. since the script is using name input window too. =end module ESTRIOLE module KEYBOARD_PRESS KEYBOARDPRESS = { :k0 => 48, :k1 => 49, :k2 => 50, :k3 => 51, :k4 => 52, :k5 => 53, :k6 => 54, :k7 => 55, :k8 => 56, :k9 => 57, :kA => 65, :kB => 66, :kC => 67, :kD => 68, :kE => 69, :kF => 70, :kG => 71, :kH => 72, :kI => 73, :kJ => 74, :kK => 75, :kL => 76, :kM => 77, :kN => 78, :kO => 79, :kP => 80, :kQ => 81, :kR => 82, :kS => 83, :kT => 84, :kU => 85, :kV => 86, :kW => 87, :kX => 88, :kY => 89, :kZ => 90, :kCOLON => 186, :kQUOTE => 222, :kCOMMA => 188, :kPERIOD => 190, :kSLASH => 191, :kBACKSLASH => 220, :kLEFTBRACE => 219, :kRIGHTBRACE => 221, :kMINUS => 189, :kEQUAL => 187, :kTILDE => 192, } end end class Window_NameInput < Window_Selectable include ESTRIOLE::KEYBOARD_PRESS alias est_keyboard_name_input_init initialize def initialize(edit_window) est_keyboard_name_input_init(edit_window) self.visible = false end def process_handling return unless open? && active process_back if Input.repeat?(:kESC) or Input.repeat?(:kBACKSPACE) check_keyboard_input end alias cursor_page_change cursor_pagedown def check_keyboard_input KEYBOARDPRESS.each {|key| @edit_window.add(Keyboard.add_char(Ascii::SYM[key[0]])) if Input.trigger?(key[0]) Sound.play_ok if Input.trigger?(key[0]) } check_spaces check_enter end def check_spaces if Input.trigger?(:kSPACE) @edit_window.add(" ") Sound.play_ok end end def check_enter on_name_ok if Input.trigger?(:kENTER) end def cursor_pageup;end def cursor_pagedown;end end
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